
From Wikipedia:  Synergy is the creation of a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts.

This shot = Synergy in action. Individuals coming together to create something that couldn't have been achieved without each and every person being there, present and committed ! 

There is absolutely a time and a place for "individuality", setting yourself apart from the rest so to speak. But there are also situations where it's okay, necessary in fact,  to surrender and let go of the need to be in control.

Being led for example through your yoga practice or any class environment be it gym or IT training is a chance for you to take a load off. There is no need to think, judge, react, analyse,  just accept exactly where you find yourself at that very moment.

At times I certainly struggle with this concept. Do you? And if so, what tips can you offer to reign in the ego and just let the process happen?

living in the moment

Is it possible to live more in the moment? Life is without question becoming more and more hectic making it all too easy lose sight of the present moment.  It is universally acknowledged that we are less "present", constantly distracted by the future or the past.  

This photo for me is a reminder of what it is to be fully engaged with a moment in your day, truly revelling in it and feeling total fulfilment. 

A series of events led to this random, spontaneous shot taken by friends at the beach. For me will always encapsulate the notion of going with the flow and embracing the here and now. It makes me smile. 

What do you do in your daily life to ensure that it doesn't whizz by without you noticing?